Chennai Users Are More Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks

Saanvi Araav - Sep 20, 2019

Chennai Users Are More Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks

Almost one in three netizens in India encounter cyber attacks, with users from Chennai more vulnerable to these attacks among users in the metros.

About one in three internet users in India has encountered cyberattacks at some point. Notably, according to a recent study, Chennai users are much more vulnerable among all users in the country.

The study is from K7 Computing, a company focusing on cybersecurity. The firm tracks critical components such as IoT, Windows, Mac, and Mobile in 20 cities in India, including tier-2, tier-1, and metros regions.

Tier-1 regions cyber-attacks' percentile

The study shows that among all the tier-1 regions, Chennai city has the highest cyber-attacks' percentage with about 48 % from April to June this year. The second one is Kolkata, with 41% in that same period. Delhi recorded the lowest cyber-attacks' percentage with only 28%.

Cyber Attack
The second one is Kolkata, with 41% in that same period.

K Purushothaman, K7 Computing's CEO, has commented on the matter. The K7 Lab of K7 Computing for Cyber Threat Monitor has highlighted the increasing threat around India and talked about the necessity of being proactive in approaching cybersecurity.

He also said that there has been an increase in the number of cyber-attacks in both tier-2 and tier-1 cities. Concerned stakeholders need to take action for threat hunting and countermeasures.

According to the study, exposure to cyber risk has been steadily on the rise on metros' working days, starting from Monday and reaches the highest at the end of the week.

Tier-2 regions are the worst

The cyber-attacks' average percentage in the top tier-2 regions is worse than tier-1 and metros regions.

From April to June of this year, Patna has experienced the highest cyber-attacks' percentage (48%). The second one is Lucknow, with 45% in that same period while Thiruvananthapuram stands safely with just 35%.

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Patna has experienced the highest cyber-attacks' percentage (48%).

This study also shows that fileless and ransomware attacks have continued to grow at a rapid rate in India.

At 72%, Trojan attacks were said to be a significant threat for users of Mac devices, followed by  PUP/PUA (9%) and Adware(18%).


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