Uber Said Mumbai Is The 'Most Forgetful' City, And Here's Why

Anil - Mar 17, 2020

Uber Said Mumbai Is The 'Most Forgetful' City, And Here's Why

Uber also shed a light on another insight: people usually forget things on Thursdays and Fridays.

Don’t get angry with yourself if you often forget where you’ve placed your things and belongings, especially when you’re a Mumbai resident. According to the “Lost and Found Index” from Uber, Indian riders usually forget to carry along quite a few things when departing from a cab. To your surprise, here we get a list of "the most forgetful cities” and the most common things people have left behind after the rides.

Mumbai Uber 1
Thanks to Uber's index, here we get a list of “the most forgetful cities”.

Out of all cities in the report, Mumbai has bypassed several cities across the country to the first place of “the most forgetful cities”, followed by the runner-up Kolkata and Prayagraj at the third position.

More interestingly, it’s evident that people tended to leave their daily stuff behind in Uber cabs. Have you got your answers yet? Well, drivers found a bunch of phones after people got down from the car, not to mention wallets, cameras, and even glasses.

This might sound bizarre, but the company also compiled a list of “most unique items” alongside “forgetful cities”. Believe or not – it’s up to you: The champion title of "most ridiculous items" that tops the list has belonged to an acrylic artificial tooth.

Mumbai Uber 2
The champion amongst all the most ridiculous items has belonged to an acrylic artificial tooth.

In the meantime, maybe someone is looking for his broom, an AC remote or medical prescriptions. Despite that playing board games like Tambola should be considered as a kind of genius idea, a rider, unfortunately, left his game set behind.

Uber also shed a light on another insight: people usually forget things on Thursdays and Fridays. So, it’s better to travel around on another day in the week, isn’t it?

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