Space Wallpaper : Top 10 Space Photos For Astronomy Lovers!

Anil - Jan 02, 2020

Space Wallpaper : Top 10 Space Photos For Astronomy Lovers!

Every photo tells us a story, and so does a space image. Are you looking for space wallpaper?

You're looking for an astonishing space wallpaper or some universe images, ain't you? 2019 is marked as a milestone for astronomy and space sciences as we’re getting closer to projected goals in the new decade. Without our advanced technologies, especially powerful telescopes, we will never be able to witness the fascinating Universe in the shape of some most exquisite photos beamed back to our space outposts.

In case you're in love with space wallpaper, here are the top ten space photos that rocked the world in 2019. Let’s scroll down and vote for your most favorite piece!

1. Martian selfie

space wallpaper - martian selfie
The very first "Martian" is a NASA's rover.

Location/Object: Gale Crater, Mars

Taken by: NASA’s Curiosity rover

2. Out-of-the-world selfie 

space wallpaper - out of the world selfie
Let's chill!

Location/Object: In the middle of "nothing"

Taken by: Christina Koch, a NASA astronaut

3. The first-ever picture of a Black Hole 

space wallpaper - black hole
As reported, this Black Hole is located approximately 55 million light-years away.

Location/Object: A black hole

Taken by: the combination of eight ground-based radio telescopes utilized around the Earth.

4. ISS transiting the Sun 

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A super-rare photo that captured a moment the ISS passing through the glorious Sun.

Location/Object: Sun

Taken by: Rainee Colacurcio, a space photographer.

5. Pan over Saturn

Location/Object: Saturn

Taken by: Hubble Space Telescope

6. The Snowman 

space wallpaper - snowman

Location/Object: Pluto

Taken by: NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft

7. Farside of the Moon 

space wallpaper - moon
China sent its Chang'e spacecraft to the Moon in January 2019.

Location/Object: Moon

Taken by: China’s Chang’e 4 spacecraft

8. Jupiter’s clouds 

space wallpaper - jupiter
Saturn is a giant gas planet.

Location/Object: Jupiter

Taken by: NASA’s Juno spacecraft

9. Stellar fireworks 

space wallpaper - stella fireworks
Eta Carinae is 7,500 light-years far from the Earth.

Location/Object: A star system named “Eta Carinae”

Taken by: Hubble Space Telescope

10. The Medusa Merger 

space wallpaper - medusa merger
NGC 4194 is named after a mythological monster in Ancient Greek, Medusa.

Location/Object: NGC 4194, in the constellation of Ursa Major.

Taken by: Hubble Space Telescope

We'll update the collection of space background as well as Universe images HD as soon as possible. Keep in touch!



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