This Web Shooter Will Make You Feel Like Spiderman

Dhir Acharya

Have you ever wished to have the superpower and cool gadgets of the superheroes in those sci-fi movies?

Have you ever wished to have the superpower and cool gadgets of the superheroes in those sci-fi movies? Well, we are here to tell you that your dream can come true, at least if you want to be Spiderman.

We all know that Spiderman can shoot web from his wrists, and there’s this guy who has created a tool that helps you do the same thing. It even sports the color blue and red like Spiderman’s costume.

The WEB-12 Functional Thread Shooter, as it’s called, mostly looks like a regular watch with a band which you can adjust to make it wrap tightly around your wrist and a small cylindrical tube through which the threads come out. In addition, there is a projectile circled with a spring to create thrust pushing the webbing, a cartridge with a cover to contain the webbing, a load stick used to reload the webbing, a watch cartridge that shows time when you insert to the device, and a thin line tying your middle finger to the device.

To use this web shooter, insert the projectile, press it all the way in to lock it. Next, insert the webbing cartridge, remember to put the loop around the hook at the end of the projectile before slotting it in. Now, just pull your middle finger and the webbing will shoot out. To reload the webbing, slot the cover of the webbing cartridge through the load stick, hook the tip of the string through the cover, then pull the string tight and wind it. Once you’re done, slot the cartridge through the load stick then push the cover all the way in and remove the load stick.

Notably, this web shooter lets you shoot webbing and pull objects just like a real Spiderman. And you can also buy this gadget as it’s available for sale, though the product is not for people under 15 years old. Furthermore, users have to follow the instructions to avoid incorrect or rough use, which can cause the shooter to break.

Pretty cool right? Though WEB-12 doesn’t help you fly from building to building like in the Spiderman films, it sure makes you feel like having the superpower to shoot and pull things.

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