This Soft Robot Grabs Objects Just Like A Real Octopus

Dhir Acharya - Feb 28, 2020

This Soft Robot Grabs Objects Just Like A Real Octopus

Researchers have developed a soft robotic arm that is closer to achieving the flexibility and capability of an octopus tentacle.

Octopuses are smart and strong. With their eight six arms and two legs, helping them do a lot of things such as opening jars, using underwater cameras, as well as plan crafty aquarium escapes. Their tentacles help them manipulate objects very well and scientists are closer to making a robot with the same capabilities.

Researchers from Havard’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), in collaboration with researchers from China’s Beihang University, have made a soft robotic tentacle that has suction cups with the capability of adapting to various situations.

soft robotic arm
Researchers have made a soft robotic tentacle that has suction cups

It can grab, grip, or lift every object. The soft robot uses two valves, which control the ability of the arm, to bend and activate the suction cups. A video was posted to illustrate how the robotic arm tackles all kinds of objects, a walnut or a ball.

According to the lead author of the paper, this research is the first ever to quantify the arms’ tapering angles as well as the combined functions of suction and bending. That means a small gripper can be used for various objects instead of requiring multiple grippers.

In a partnership with automation-tech firm Festo, this creation led to the creation of TentacleGripper, a commercial prototype of this robot. Festo said that in case of collision, the tentacles are not even harmless and don’t have to be shielded from workers like traditional factory robots.

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