This Portable Device From IIT Mandi Uses AI To Detect Cervical Cancer More Accurately


This Portable Device From IIT Mandi Uses AI To Detect Cervical Cancer More Accurately

IIT Mandi researchers have created a device capable of detecting cervical cancer more accurately than those conventional examination methods.

IIT Mandi researchers have created a device capable of detecting cervical cancer more accurately than those conventional examination methods.

Among different kinds of cancer, cervical cancer is considered to be a tricky one. The best chance for patients to survive is through early detection. Using a pap-smear is the conventional way of detecting this cancer.

With this procedure, doctors then look through the microscope for signs of cancer detection. However, the accuracy rate of this test is only around 60 to 85%. This conventional detecting method is known to have falsely diagnosed.

Moreover, to undergo this test, the patient needs to come to a clinic. And not many people can do this.

IIT Mandi researchers have created a device capable of detecting cervical cancer more accurately than those conventional examination methods.

The device of IIT Mandi also uses pap-smears but with a different approach. AI is used to make detections better and more accurate.

For this project, IIT Mandi has worked with Bengaluru-based Aindra Systems. With the pap-smear images from Aindra Systems, the system will analyze them and train the AI to know and distinguish between what is cancerous and what isn’t.

The device is quite portable and it is possible to take it to the patient’s home for screening.

The research team consists of Arnav Bhavsar and Anil Sao, Associate Professors from Computing and Electrical Engineering school, and Krati Gupta and Srishti Gautam.

Assisting with the portable device’s design and development is Jirmal Jith, Harinarayanan, and Adarsh Natrajan from Aindra Systems.

The accuracy rate of this test is said to be 88%. At the moment, the device is going through clinical trials at several hospitals in Karnataka, including Kidwai Memorial Hospital, Manipal Hospital, Raja Rajeshwari Medical College and Hospital, and Bengaluru Hospital.
