This New 'Origami' Microchip Is 100 Times Faster Than Current Ones

Dhir Acharya

This New 'Origami' Microchip Is 100 Times Faster Than Current Ones

In a new method called “nano-origami,” physicists used graphene along with other 2D materials to make the smallest microchip in the world.

In a new method called “nano-origami,” physicists from the University of Sussex, the UK, used graphene along with other 2D materials to make the smallest microchips in the world.

In this method, they created nano-origami by creaking kinks in nanomaterials like graphene, finding that when placed in this format, graphene acts as a tiny microchip. Crinkling the material, the research team discovered a way to reduce the size of the microchip by 100 times compared with the existing ones.

Microchip And Crinkled Material Resize Md

If you are wondering where this discovery can become useful, it’s in computing. Professor Alan Dalton, who worked on this study, said:

“Using these nanomaterials will make our computer chips smaller and faster. It is absolutely critical that this happens as computer manufacturers are now at the limit of what they can do with traditional semiconducting technology.”

“Ultimately, this will make our computers and phones thousands of times faster in the future.”

This type of technology is known as straintronics, where nanomaterials are used in place of electronics. In this study, the method provides more space in devices so more chips can be used. Dalton said that crinkling graphene can speed up everything we do with computers.

The best thing about this discovery is that there’s no need to add more foreign materials to a device to speed it up. Instead, they just have to use this method with nanomaterials, which also results in a faster, greener, more sustainable tech. According to the researchers, the technology does not require more materials and consumes less energy.

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