This Device Lets You Control Machines With Your Tongue

Dhir Acharya - Jul 31, 2020

This Device Lets You Control Machines With Your Tongue

To optimize human capabilities with computer devices, a designer has created [in]brace, a device that lets you use your tongue to control a machine.

To optimize human capabilities, scientists and researchers have come up with many creations and innovations that allow for controlling machines, devices with speech, mind, and now the mouth.

A designer has just developed an intra-oral wearable device that enables tongue-based interaction between a user and machines. The device, called [in]brace, is placed in the mouth like an orthodontics apparatus and users can use their tongue to move a magnetic piece of the device to make an input. There’s also a Wifi module behind the ear that then transfers the input to a connected device.

The [in]brace computer interface
The [in]brace computer interface
The designer, named Dorothee Clasen, aimed at leaving out the hand and fingertip when it came to haptic interfaces that let humans interact with objects through touch. She chose to take a different approach, focusing on a different part of the body.

According to DesignBoom, the final prototype of the device is based on an electromagnetic principle. The reed sensors embedded in the device are responsible for detecting the sphere-element’s location that the user control with their tongue.

Clasen gave the device an alternated retainer architecture for the palate area so that the sensors can be implemented and adapted when needed.

To test the final prototype of the device, Clasen set up a classic game of ‘tong,” in which she successfully controlled using it.

Clasen stated that the device could help patients in re-training their tongue movement. The [in]brace could also be helpful in specific performances and jobs in which the user has to use their hands, feet, and eyes for other tasks. For instance, a pianist could flip their digital note sheets with their tongue when their hands are busy playing.

Especially, it could help those who don’t have fine motor skills in their fingers or hands, which can help popularize the use of computer devices.

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