This AI Stops You From Watching Porn By Notifying Your Family

Harin - Nov 25, 2019

This AI Stops You From Watching Porn By Notifying Your Family

Michigan-bassed Covenant Eyes wants to utilize AI to stop you from watching porn and notify your friends and family about it.

As days go by, AI is getting more and more intelligent. Now, this company wants to utilize AI to stop you from watching porn and notify your friends and family about it.

The software can be installed on PCs, tablets, and phones, aiming to stop online pornography addiction.

Michigan-bassed Covenant Eyes is the company behind this software. This app is being sold as a service that will cost users $15.99, around Rs 1200, a month. This subscription fee allows 10 users to use the app.

This app is being sold as a service that will cost users $15.99, around Rs 1200, a month. This subscription fee allows 10 users to use the app.

Upon signing up, you will be asked to add a list of members in your family or those who are willing to assist you in quitting porn addiction. If the user cannot fight his “urges” and proceeds to sign on to a pornography website, Covenant Eves will automatically and instantly send some screenshots to the people listed on the list.

Any nude images will be blurred from these screenshots. Only if the person receiving these images want to see what kind of content is in the image, they can hit a blue button that will then unblur the images.

According to Covenant Eyes, at the moment, it has more than 300,000 users. Among them, most are men, both married and single. Every year, the company earns a decent revenue of $57.5 million.

On the official website of Covenant Eye, it is written that porn can have a bad influence on people, from singles to women, men, spouses, and children. The statement continues:

While it seems great to help someone get rid of their porn addiction, it does feel at the same time to be an aggressive approach.



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