These Solar-Powered Sleeping Pods Will Help Thousands Of Homeless People

Dhir Acharya

These Solar-Powered Sleeping Pods Will Help Thousands Of Homeless People

One company is attempting to help keep homeless people safe by creating waterproof and windproof sleeping pods accessible to homeless people.

No one wants to be homeless, just thinking about it can already make a person uncomfortable. However, it’s a reality that there are millions of homeless people around the world.

In Germany alone, BAG W reported in 2016 that there were about 860,000 homeless people, meaning they don’t even have a shelter where they can sleep through the night.

Ulmer Nest sleeping pod
Ulmer Nest sleeping pods

However, one company is attempting to solve this problem by creating a waterproof and windproof sleeping pod accessible to homeless people. Ulmer Nest is the firm behind this initiative, which was first introduced in January 2020. If this sleeping pod proves successful and useful, it could be launched across the country. This way, a lot of homeless people will be safer during the night.

The pod is made from steel and wood, capable of fitting up to two people in case some are not wandering alone. According to Ulmer Nest, these pods can protect the user from the wind, cold, as well as humidity while providing fresh air for them.

Ulmer Nest sleeping pods

In addition, there are no cameras in the pods, protecting the privacy of the homeless. There is only a motion sensor to alert social workers if someone opens the door, which helps them practice discretion when they clean the pod following each use.

Each pod has a radio network that the homeless can use to contact the team overseeing their sleeping places. There are also solar panels to produce heating using a renewable energy source.

The pod is expected to protect homeless people against frostbite in the cold weather, but it should only be used as the last resort for those unable to find shelter.

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