The First Hotel In Outer Space Is Set To Welcome Tourists In 2025

Anil - Sep 04, 2019

The First Hotel In Outer Space Is Set To Welcome Tourists In 2025

The space hotel named Von Braun Station is expected to welcome tourists by 2025.

For so long, we’ve been dreaming about space tourism. Last year, SpaceX announced a plan to send a Japanese billionaire to the Moon but if successful, how long he could be there? You have to wait no more to get an answer because the plan of launching a space hotel is already detailed.

The said luxury hotel - Von Braun Station – will carry almost all the facilities that have been supposedly hard for us to find them in space, though they’re all the rage on Earth. However, tourists might not have a pool, but the outer space would bring them an outstanding experience thanks to its weightlessness.

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The commercial hotel probably boasts of 400 accommodations along with additional amenities like cinemas, restaurants, and operational kitchens. Based on a two-ring structure, the hotel will be loaded with artificial gravity as the outer ring is tasked with rotating around the inner one, considering that experiences on the Moon could be much similar to this. Though Von Braun Station uses similar technology as what we’ve engineered on the ISS, guests can walk around normally while they’re in such artificial gravity. In short, guests and staff could live on this space hotel not only long but also comfortably.

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All accommodation facilities will locate inside the outer ring, which reaches 190 meters in diameter with 24 modules. On the other hand, rooms will be used for a wide variety of demand, from being a permanent residence to space agencies’ outposts. Of course, space tourists can spend a couple of days in other rooms while this ultimate cruise is in the middle of the cosmos. This sounds like it could be so much expensive and only limited to wealthy individuals, but the company expects to welcome about 100 guests per week, adding that the space hotel will be affordable like other holiday trips.

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This space hotel is expected to welcome tourists by 2025. Given that all the information is true, Von Braun Station will be marked as the first-ever commercial project in outer space throughout human history.


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