This Fabric Can Adjust The Temperature To Help You Comfy

Indira Datta

The researchers from the University of Maryland has just invented a unique fabric capable of adapting to all temperatures of the environment.

Anyone who has ever lived in San Francisco knows that the temperature changes constantly and wearing many layers has become a habit for the local people. Sometimes you just want to take off your sweater, then after a few minutes, you wish you should have brought a warmer coat because it became too cold. A new invention from the University of Maryland might be able to solve this problem. It is a fabric capable of changing the temperature according to the environment.

The cloth was invented by University of Maryland

This is a specially designed fabric covered with carbon nanotubes, allowing it to change the spacing of fibers automatically according to the temperature of the environment and this makes the wearer more comfortable.

The temperature of the environment will affect the expansion or contraction of the fabric fibers so that users feel comfortable with the surrounding weather. When the fabric is put into cool and dry weather conditions, the gap between the fabric fibers will be smaller to reduce heat loss and keep the body warm. Meanwhile, if the wearer is in humid and warm weather that causes them to sweat, the fibers change to facilitate heat transfer.

Currently, on the market, there are quite a lot of fabrics that are able to absorb moisture in humid conditions and keep wearers warm in cold and dry conditions. However, the unique feature of this fabric is its ability to adapt to the environment smarter and faster than other materials.

Min Ouyang, who is a professor of physics at the University of Maryland and also a co-author in the latest study published in the journal Science, said:

Scientists hope that this will be the stepping stone to make "comfortable adjusting clothes". Currently, they think there are still many things to be done with this invention before it makes it to clothing stores. This seems to be the right product for many people to resist the erratic weather in San Francisco.

This research also brings some exciting ideas for fashionistas. Maybe in the future, we will be able to connect the color changing clothes with an application.

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