Demand For VPN Increased By 644% Following Porn Ban

Aadhya Khatri

Demand For VPN Increased By 644% Following Porn Ban

A recent ban on pornography in Thailand has driven a massive surge in demand for VPN service as citizens seek a way to circumvent the prohibition

A recent ban on pornography in Thailand has driven a massive surge in demand for VPN service as the country’s citizens seek a way to circumvent the ban and access their favorite services.

After 191 porn sites, including Pornhub, was banned in Thailand, the demand for VPN has increased by 644%.

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After 191 porn sites, including Pornhub, was banned in Thailand, the demand for VPN has increased by 644%

While the service has been growing fast in the last few years, they weren’t very popular among Thai citizens with only 1.17% of the population downloaded a VPN in a few first months of 2020.

Web censorship isn’t exactly new in Thailand but the latest move might mean Thai citizens will have to face stricter attitudes from now on.

Thai government’s ban on porn and gambling websites have sparked a backlash online, driving the #HornyPower and #SavePornhub trending on Twitter. A wave of protest even occurs in Bangkok following the ban.

A wave of protest even occurs in Bangkok following the ban

Thailand isn’t the only country with strict censorship on pornography. China and India also have similar restrictions. The two countries have over 2.6 billion citizens combined.

VPN services direct traffic to servers in countries where porn is legal, hiding users’ activities and allowing them to access the porn sites they want.

However, in countries that ban access to some certain kind of content on the Internet, using a VPN service that doesn’t collect users’ data is important as this information can be evidence against users if it falls into the authorities’ hands.

While several VPN services claim they don’t collect users’ data, the promises are often hard to believe. So if you want to make sure your activities are kept private, it’s advisable to choose a service that has an audited privacy policy.

>>> Thailand Protesters United To Save Pornhub After Government's Online Porn Ban
