TFW Meaning: What Does TFW Mean And How To Use It?

Dhir Acharya

If you don know TFW meaning, this post will explain the acronym to you in detail. It will also show you how to use it in daily conversations and memes.

In the English language, there are a lot of acronyms create as people want to shorten commonly used phrases so that they can text faster. Such acronyms are only used in informal, written conversations and have become very popular. Some acronyms are even adopted in other countries that don’t even speak English, such as LOL. Another acronym coming to our mind is TFW. What is TFW meaning? This post will show you.

TFW meaning

What is the meaning of TFW online?

TFW is a popular acronym used on the internet that’s short for “that feel when,” often accompanied by an emotive or funny picture. Netizens use it to give commentary or emotional context to a situation.

In some way, this acronym is more like a meme, which follows a strict format, in which a sentence starting with TFW comes with an emotive picture. The sentence can be about incidents in your daily life like “TFW your microwave’s on fire” or a joke like “TFW your friends know about Pennywise the clown too.”

In addition, there is a strict meme format with TFW as well. The acronym itself tells readers that a post or message has an emotional context. So, TFW can have a meaning on its own even when not accompanied by a message or picture.

In some cases, you can even reply to a hateful or ridiculous comment on social media with this acronym alone. Those who understand the acronym will get that you are saying the post is completely bonkers.

TFW meaning

What’s the origin of TFW meaning text?

According to some people, TFW is actually short for “that face when.” They could be right, in some way.

Eleven years ago, people on the 4chan music board began using the acronym “MFW,” which stood for “my face when.” Interestingly, this acronym was used the same as how TFW is used now.

At the time, internet users would post a funny picture of an emotional face along with a sentence that began with “MFW.”

Also around this time, the word “feel” became slang for “feeling.” After that, memes such as “I know that feel” began to flood the internet and the image of the “Feels Guy” got popular among internet users and in nerd culture.

Like “my face when,” people used the Feels Guy meme as a response in emotional situations. However, MFW often conveyed awe or disgust while the Feels Guy described sadness, doubt, shame, or emasculation.

Between 2010 and 2011, these two ideas were merged to create the acronym TFW, which was properly included and defined on Urban Dictionary. The grammatical usage of the acronym has not changed but the term itself has got very popular. TFW does a great job of helping you express emotions online.

How to use TFW?

If you put the acronym at the beginning of the sentence, this will make readers look for an emotional context. You could say “TFW you’re almost home and the low fuel light comes on,” or “TFW there’s no bologna in the fridge.” Either way, readers will still try to get some emotional meaning from your sentence.

While TFW works fine in a sentence only, it’s best to accompany the acronym with a picture or GIF. Any photo may work, but the best picture is one with an emotive face. The more emotional the photo is, the better readers will be in gauging the right emotion from what you really mean.

Best TFW memes

No matter if you’re searching for TFW meaning iPhone or Android, the answer to the question what meaning of TFW remains the same. However, if you are still not familiar with this acronym, we would like to introduce some of the best TFW meaning memes in this section.

TFW meaning

"That feel when you fail at something you thought you did good at." There's no need to see the eyes of the person in this photo to know how hurt she is. This meme is a great example of how powerful your TFW sentence can be if you pair it with an emotional picture.

TFW meaning

"That feel when you forgot to wash your hands and touched your dace but life is meaningless and we all die." Once again, the facial expression of the man in this picture says it all, paired with the TFW sentence, you cannot misunderstand the feeling of the one who made this meme.

TFW meaning

"That feel when you have no fresh ideas for a meme and you realize the only way is to make a political meme."

TFW meaning

"That feel when someone steals your meme and it goes on the front page."

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