Student Fakes News Of COVID-19 Outbreak In School To Avoid Exam


A Gujarat student was found to have spread fake news about a COVID-19 outbreak in her school so that she didn’t have to take an in-person exam.

A student from Gujarat, India was found to have spread fake news about her school having a COVID-19 outbreak so that she didn’t have to take an exam in person.

Last week, WhatsApp users found a “news report” about a COVID-19 outbreak at the Udgam School in Ahmedabad. According to the report, 13 children, after attending an exam at the school, were tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, school officials needed to investigate whether these students had coronavirus or not before tracking the source of the message.

A student from Gujarat, India spread fake news about her school having a COVID-19 outbreak so that she didn’t have to take an exam in person.

It turned out that the false report was a product of a high school student. The student admitted that she became panicked after knowing that she would have to take in-person exams and decided to spread the news for the school to cancel these exams. The authorities of the school have agreed to not file a police complaint since the student has apologized for her actions.

Last September, doctors, and engineers-to-be spammed the YouTube channel of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with dislikes to protest offline entrance exams. Counseling psychologist Hvovi Bhagwagar said that adolescents might feel some form of stress, anxiety, and pressure when they had to return to their classes, losing their freedom when studying in online classes.

Last December, a man from Georgia, US, was charged with fraud after pretending he had tested positive for COVID-19 to skip work. Last March, a South Carolina man, closed his office temporarily after falsely claiming that he was infected with the coronavirus.

While being on an airplane, an air traveler announced that he had COVID-19, leading to the plane making an emergency landing.

Last February, while being on an airplane, an air traveler announced that he had COVID-19, leading to the plane making an emergency landing. It turned out it was a prank. The same prank was pulled off by another man on a metro in Moscow, Russia. As a result, he received a sentence of five years in prison.

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