This Startup Creates An Engine That Can Be Fueled By Alcohol And Water

Aadhya Khatri

What they found out is that they can fuel a traditional piston engine with a mixture consisting of 30% ethanol and 70% of water

Fossil fuels with their environmental impact are being denied all over the world. However, to save our planet, we need a feasible alternative.

Recently, a team in Israel, MayMaan Research LLC, claimed that they have created an engine that runs on a mixture and ethanol and water.

Fossil fuels with their environmental impact are being denied all over the world. However, to save our planet, we need a feasible alternative

MayMaan is a family business founded by Yehuda Shmueli, and 81-year-old veteran engineer and his two sons. What they found out is that they can fuel a traditional piston engine with a mixture consisting of 30% ethanol and 70% of water.

MayMaan is a family business founded by Yehuda Shmueli, and 81-year-old veteran engineer and his two sons

The best part is the new system is 60% more efficient than diesel-powered one, emits significantly less CO2, and cost-effective.

The system is the result of six years of work, kept secret in a garage so that no one else can steal their brilliant idea.

They said that any existing cars can be fine-tuned to run on ethanol and water without any significant changes to the fueling system. The father-and-son team has built three prototypes, including a generator, a car, and many engines.

They said that any existing cars can be fine-tuned to run on ethanol and water without any significant changes to the fueling system

The claims make it sound like we have found the perfect alternative for diesel but since there is little information on the new system, it is advisable to take this story with a grain of salt.

This system still needs some more development before it can be mass-produced and become the substitute for the current diesel engines. Keep your finger crossed and hope that the father and sons will find investors for their invention.

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