SpaceX Astronauts And Elon Musk Were Offered S.e.x Dolls To Keep Them Company On Mars

Aadhya Khatri - Sep 23, 2020

SpaceX Astronauts And Elon Musk Were Offered S.e.x Dolls To Keep Them Company On Mars

S.e.x Doll Genie, the company behind this generous offer, plans to provide a mix of female, male, and transgender s.e.x dolls to SpaceX astronauts

Former aerospace engineer Amit Stevenson, now a s.e.x doll retailer, recently offered to give SpaceX astronaut s.e.x dolls to accompany them on the 2024 Mars mission.

According to S.e.x Doll Genie, the company behind this generous offer, the voyage to Mars would be long and lonely, so its robotic companions could keep the colonists company. The offer is also extended to SpaceX’s CEO Elon Musk.

S.e.x Doll Genie was founded by Amit Stevenson and his spouse Janet.

The Starship spacecraft
The voyage to Mars would be long and lonely

Stevenson said the purpose of bringing robotic dolls to space wasn’t just for s.e.x and many of the company’s customers preferred the feeling of a companion to physical satisfaction.

S.e.x Doll Genie’s founder said he understood space travel as he used to be an aerospace engineer.

It takes six or eight months for a one-way trip to Mars to complete, a comparable amount of time to some missions to the ISS.

While the International Space Station is within our reach, Mars is a different story. The sheer distance between the two planets means the number of future journeys to the Red Planet is very limited.

The distance and long traveling time also make scientists concern about astronauts’ wellbeing.

According to Dr. Nick Kanas, University of California, Mars is far away and the distance may have psychological ramifications. Elon Musk has his eyes fixed on Mars, believing our future is on an alien world.

To realize this goal, SpaceX created Starship spacecraft to bring humans to the Moon, the Red Planet, and even beyond. Musk said he hoped a cargo mission would reach Mars in 2022, followed by a manned mission in 2024.

Starship spacecraft
Musk said he hoped a cargo mission would reach Mars in 2022, followed by a manned mission in 2024

Amit Stevenson believed psychological stress and anxiety could be alleviated with the company’s s.e.x dolls.

The company plans to offer a mix of female, male, and transgender s.e.x dolls to astronauts.

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