This Smart Bandage Can Change Colors According To Bacteria Infection Level

Aadhya Khatri

Experts have created a type of smart bandage that can determine bacterial infection the patient is suffering, as well as apply the right type of drugs

Experts have created a type of smart bandage that can determine bacterial infection the patient is suffering, as well as apply the right type of drugs as needed. This function makes it works just like a traffic light.

The scientists behind the creation hope that the smart bandage can help with antibiotic resistance and faster wound healing.

When we say the bandage works just like a traffic light, we really mean that. When it turns green, there is a small concentration of bacteria or no bacteria, yellow indicates DS (drug-sensitive), meaning the bacteria respond to standard antibiotics (the bandage will release antibiotics in this case); and red suggests drug-resistant.

The shade of the colors is another indication. As you might expect, the stronger the shade, the higher the bacteria concentration.

The shade of the colors is another indication. As you might expect, the stronger the shade, the higher the bacteria concentration

The team has tested the smart bandage on mice and results are promising. The team was able to treat DR E. coli and DS with the new method.

In case the smart bandage detects drug resistance, the experts can trigger the release of a type of oxygen to help antibiotics in fighting off the bacteria.

Once the infection is identified, antibiotic is released. If the bandage detects a resistance, it will call for additional treatment before the bacteria have the chance to mutate to fight back.

It is not hard to see how this smart bandage is a novel solution to help heal wounds faster. Bandages are small, easy to transport, and distribute. And they require no additional equipment.

Patients do not need to visit a doctor to have a diagnosis as the bandage can apply the right type of drug on its own.

While the invention is still at its infancy, potentials are ample here.

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