This Scam App Claims To Tell How Gay Someone Is By Analyzing Their DNA

Aadhya Khatri

Joel Belleson, a developer who is believed to work for a company called Insolent AI, claimed to create an app that can tell how gay someone is by DNA

Joel Belleson, a developer who is believed to work for a company called Insolent AI, claimed to create an app that can analyze one’s DNA and then determine how gay the person is.

The only things it can tell you if you buy the app is that you have just made a poor decision, and nothing about your genes or your gender.

According to science, no one can tell if a person is gay or not based on their DNA. It is true that gayness has a certain correlation to genes, but there is no way known to science that can measure gayness by studying a person's genetic materials.

This app is nothing more than a scam

AI cannot tell if a person is gay either. And the theories about a “gaydar” released a while ago are far from being true too. Even if you let someone does an assessment themselves, chances are they cannot even be sure if they are gay or not since this is a very complicated matter. It was not until later in life that many people discovered their real sexual tendency. So the app is nothing more than a scam; however, the thing is, it is a dangerous fraud.

Emily Mullin, a writer for One Zero, said that the person behind this app might live in Uganda, a nation that has outlawed homosexuality, and its politicians are working to lay down a death sentence for it. In other countries where it is legal, being queer might bring about discrimination and prejudice, which causes lots of trouble.

So while most people will believe that this app is a real scam, chances are there are some others who think that it is true the app can determine the levels of gayness. They may even act on what the app shows.

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