Scientists Are Making S.E.X Robots To Satisfy Astronauts' S.E.X.U.A.L Needs

Aadhya Khatri

Examples of erobots are augmented partners, erotic chatbots, and s.e.x robots. We now have a field called Erobotics to study human-erobot relationship

In the movie A.I. Rising, we have seen how robots and machines can fulfill humans; most basic needs in our endeavor to explore space. It might also have the solution to one of our most pressing problems in space exploration.

Astronauts have to go through rigorous training before they can leave the Earth surface and head to space. However, that does not mean they are not humans with needs.

While s.e.x is still a taboo and a sensitive subject in many nations, it is no denying that we have to come up with realistic solution to help astronauts satisfy their urges.

Astronauts have to go through rigorous training before they can leave the Earth surface and head to space. However, that does not mean they are not humans with needs

It is still a mystery whether humans can maintain their best shape and judgment being confined in small rooms with a handful of other humans in sight. And whether they can put up with a limited number of opportunities to form a relationship and satisfy their sexuality needs.

These are the problems s.e.x tech might have solutions to.

Researchers are now looking into the possibility of robot-human erotic interaction and its applications in maintaining astronauts’ well-being when they are not on Earth.

S.e.x In Space

Exploring and colonizing other planets are one of humans’ most important endeavors in history. However, they are not without challenges. One of them is to make the journey in space viable, psychologically and physically, for humans. As we all know, sexuality and intimacy are our most basic needs, they become the center for researchers to find solutions to.

The questions we need to answer now are how can humans have s.e.x in space? Can we reproduce when we are not on Earth? And how intimate relationships are going to be when astronauts are onboard spacecraft?

So far, NASA and other space agencies have denied that sexual intercourse ever happened on space journeys. So this can be either they are hiding the truth from us or s.e.x did not happen at all. Nevertheless, as scientists are trying to prolong humans’ stay on the Moon or Mars, sooner or later, we will have to deal with the problem of sexual needs.

So far, NASA and other space agencies have denied that sexual intercourse ever happened on space journeys

Another concern is that once in space, humans’ opportunities for intimacy, relationships, and sexuality will definitely more limited than on Earth. In the future, we may have crews with only a small number of people, meaning crew members have less chance to have a relationship and find connection.

For example, to have a successful relationship, two people’s sexual tendency, preference, and personality must be in harmony. It is hard enough on Earth with friends, family, and colleagues around. And when a relationship ends, the two of them are stuck in a small place with their ex-partner, which can affect their mood and judgment.

Human Needs

While astronauts can put up with the no-love, no-s.e.x policy, it can still affect them mentally and physically. And yet NASA and other space agencies have been reluctant in dealing with these issues.

Back in 2008, a spokesperson of NASA, Bill Jeffs said that the agency had no research concerning sexuality in space and there was nothing to discuss about that subject.

Back in 2008, a spokesperson of NASA, Bill Jeffs said that the agency had no research concerning sexuality in space and there was nothing to discuss about that subject

This sounds like an irresponsible thing to say as astronauts are humans and humans have needs. This denying attitude also prevents researchers from studying the possible issues relating to s.e.x in space, including the hygiene of having sexual intercourse in an environment with no gravity? And how to ease the tension between the crew who have to endure months or even years without any affection and erotic stimulation?

S.e.x Tech And ‘Erobots’

The most viable solution right now is to develop erotic tech for astronauts and settlers in other planets. The easiest method is to use s.e.x toys, which can partly address humans’ urges for sexual pleasure. However, they cannot meet with our other needs for s.e.x. This is what researchers hope erobots can help with.

The word erobots refer to all artificial erotic agents and the tech needed to make them. Some of the examples for these erotic robots are augmented partners, erotic chatbots, and s.e.x robots. We now have a field called Erobotics that looks into the relationship of humans and erobots.

We now have a new field called Erobotics that looks into the relationship of humans and erobots

Erobots are artificial agents custom-made to satisfy the specific needs of a user. Opinions on this kind of tech are mixed, some say it will encourage an unhealthy norm, others think that we should focus more on the benefits it can bring.

Erobots are our best bet now to deal with the harsh environment of space and keep astronauts and settlers sane while doing their job.

Erobots can offer companionship as well as pleasure to settlers and astronauts. They can also be the answer for anxieties and loneliness.

These erotic robots can be built with sensors to further monitor astronauts’ psychological and physiological health.

Moving Into Space

The potential of erotic technology is huge but to better harness the power, we need collaboration of governmental space programs, the private sector, and academia.

The potential of erotic technology is huge but to better harness the power, we need collaboration of governmental space programs, the private sector, and academia

It is also our commitment to prioritize humans’ basic needs and well-being while they are stuck in space, away from their loved ones at home, and lack of intimacy for months.

Last but not least, it is time we give up on our taboo regarding sexuality and technology so that we can move faster to the final frontier.

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