Quitting Facebook May Lead To Many Benefits, Said Researchers

Arnav Dhar

According to researchers from NYU and Stanford, quitting Facebook will bring you many benefits and make you happier.

Quitting Facebook may be a good idea since using it is not only considered time-consuming but also causing many negative effects such as stress and political polarization, not to mention the data privacy risk as well.

As indicated by many researchers of NYU and Stanford in a recent study, stop using Facebook can lead to many benefits, from reducing the online time of users and increasing their in-person interactions with others to lower the chance of being politically polarized. In fact, deactivating your Facebook account can make you happier.

The researchers randomly found 2,844 clients through Facebook advertisements, offering $102 to half of those participants — approx. the estimation of your information on Facebook — as a reward for deactivating their Facebook accounts for about 1 month, beginning directly before last year U.S midterm election and concluding not long after.

The outcomes are positive: those people who agreed to deactivate their profiles had an average of 1 extra hour daily. A few participants utilized that opportunity to simply watch TV or spend time with their family as well as their friends. Be that as it may, the gathering who agreed to deactivate was additionally more averse to state they pursue news about governmental issues or the President, and less ready to effectively answer inquiries regarding ongoing news occasions, as indicated by the study. Nevertheless, they were less politically polarized and felt happier, some of them spent less time on Facebook even after the experiment.

All things considered, we definitely realized that investing time with friends and family will prompt more beneficial and more joyful lives. This is not the first time a study has pointed this out.

Do the positive effects exceed the negative ones with regards to the social network? That may depend but we have a lot of proof of the negative side and as such quitting it may make your life better.

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