Quadracade Is An iOS Game That Makes You Play Four Mini-Games At The Same Time

Dhir Acharya - Feb 12, 2020

Quadracade Is An iOS Game That Makes You Play Four Mini-Games At The Same Time

Let’s be straight forward, there is a new iOS game that you must try: Quadracade, because it sums up all the experience of using a smartphone on your hands.

Let’s be straight forward, there is a new iOS game that you must try: Quadracade, because it sums up all the experience of using a smartphone on your hands. In this game, created by Kieran Haden, you face a collection of mini-games in retro style and picked randomly. Each of the game is easy to play and win, but Quadracade requires you to play all the four games simultaneously.

Quadracade iOS Game

Most people use their smartphone for texting, browsing social media, checking emails among hundreds of tasks compatible with their devices, which can cause distraction at any time. So it looks like Quadracade takes this a step further by stacking all the distractions on one screen, side by side, while giving you the chance to set a high score that can be shown on the online leaderboard of the game.

First, players of Quadracade start with a few simple retro games but as they progress, players can eventually unlock over 30 virtual cartridges, and the developer even promised to update more games in the future.

In gameplay, there are power-ups that can help players boost their score or slow down the action, making it easier for players to oversee what’s going on in each mini-game on the screen. The best feature of the game, however, is that players can switch out any game that they are losing at, and Quadracade will replace it with a randomly picked mini-game.

The chaos in Quadracade is somewhat similar to Nintendo’s WarioWare series, in which players have to face an unending onslaught of mini-games. However, in WarioWare, the games come at the players one by one while Quadracade requires multitasking. This game will officially launch to iPhones and iPads on Feb 20.

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