Underwear Thief Goes Hunting For More Undergarments , Breaking Lockdown Rules


He apparently couldn’t resist the temptation to go hunting for undergarment, event ignoring the government’s restrictions amid the pandemic.

Since April 7, the Singaporean government has put the whole country under lockdown with a “circuit breaker.” With this, people are only allowed to go out to essentials such as shopping for groceries and exercising.

A stranger’s undergarments are by no means essential. But this man thought differently.

He would then choose female undergarments and use these for his own sexual pleasure.

On April 15, 39-year-old Lee Chee Kin, left his house to go hunting for some underwear. His panty-stealing escapades dated back to 2018. His plan involves sneaking through people’s back gates and accessing laundry areas. He would then choose female underwear and use these for his own sexual pleasure.

From February to March 2019, he broke into a house four times and stole 24 pieces of undergarments worth SG$1,000 or Rs 53,500.

The police found in his house over 40 panties and 100 bras while a total of 25 panties and 93 bras reported by victims were still missing.

Last year, in July, the police found in his house over 40 panties and 100 bras while a total of 25 panties and 93 bras reported by victims were still missing. Of course, the recovered underwear’s owners declined to have the stolen items back. Lee was arrested but later released on a bail. However, old habits never die. He apparently couldn’t resist the temptation to go hunting for undergarment, event ignoring the government’s restrictions amid the pandemic.

When climbing into the property of his latest victim last month, he didn’t even put on a mask, another violation of the lockdown rules.

Lee was arrested but later released on a bail.

He pleaded guilty to 10 charges including criminal trespass, breaching COVID-19 regulations, and unauthorized access to personal computers. The judges will consider another 14 charges for sentencing.

Lee’s defense said that he was remorseful for what he had done. They add that his father died in 2018 and his uncle just underwent surgery. These two events could have influenced his behavior.

>>> Man Made A Huge Pair Of Women's Underwear Kite To Kill Boredom During Lockdown

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