Not Having Aarogya Setu App Can Put You In Prison, You'd Better Install It Now

Dhir Acharya

Not Having Aarogya Setu App Can Put You In Prison, You'd Better Install It Now

In March, the Indian government launched its official CO.VID-19 contact-tracking app called Aarogya Setu, and now, not having the app can put you in prison.

In March, the Indian government launched its official CO.VID-19 contact-tracking app called Aarogya Setu, and now, not having the app can put you in prison.

Specifically, the police have issued new guidelines saying that those who appear at public places in Greater Noida or Noida will be considered violating the coronavirus forced lockdown and will be punished.

Aarogya Setu phone app
Aarogya Setu phone app

Those who go out not wearing a mask or spitting at public places may be punished too, according to the police in Gautam Buddh Nagar, western Uttar Pradesh.

Aarogya Setu is a phone app that connects essential health services with people during the CO.VID-19 pandemic. The app is meant to augment the Health Department’s initiatives in proactively reaching out to as well as informing users of risks, relevant advisories, and best practices related to the pandemic.

On Sunday, the district police announced to extend the Criminal Procedure Code section 144 to May 17, which bars assembly for four people or more. The move follows the extension of the nationwide lockdown in India by two weeks in attempts to contain the disease. According to Ashutosh Dwivedi, the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, Law and Order:

“If smartphone users do not have the ''Aarogya Setu'' app installed on their mobile phones, then that will be punishable and considered a violation of the lockdown directions.”

People are ordered to have the app while in public places

In the order, the official stated that during the India lockdown, all sports, social, religious, political gatherings and protests marches are banned across Noida as well as Greater Noida.

“The central government has extended the lockdown till May 17 in view of the coronavirus pandemic. Gautam Buddh Nagar has been identified as ''red zone'' and hotspots have been identified here. During this duration, all guidelines of the lockdown are to be followed.”

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