NASA Says India China Have Taken Maximum Effort To Make Earth Green Again In Past 20 Years

Viswamitra Jayavant

The Earth is recovering from deforestation and pollution, according to a NASA research. And we have India and China to thank.

The first thing that pops in people’s minds when the word 'environment' is mentioned is barren stretches of land populated by nothing but short stumps of fallen trees.

That’s the harsh truth, unfortunately: The rate that we’re felling trees is going out of control. Though replantation efforts had been carried out worldwide, there’s only so much we can do to keep the damages under control. The two most active participants of this pro-environment movement are, surprisingly, India and China - according to a recent study published by NASA.

A Greener Planet

Satellite analysis was conducted on a global scale, and the observation was optimistic. Though the media is trying to portray how our planet is dying. Global greening initiatives, said the study, had made the Earth a much greener planet than 20 years ago.

China and India's Roles

Though the country has indeed received a bad reputation due to the extensive scale of urban pollution. China by itself is responsible for a quarter of the world’s increase in greenery growth. This is in spite of the fact that the country accounts for just 6.6% of the planet’s vegetated land. Croplands (32%) and forests (42%) are the two primary grounds upon which China contributed to the global greening effort.

India - also a known country plagued by pollution - contributes differently. With a massive 82% of the country’s contribution being croplands, and 4.4% from forests.

China has been struggling with extreme air pollution for quite some time. The Chinese government had responded well to the threat by cutting back on land degradation and minimizing pollutants country-wide.

Food production has also risen sharply for both China and India. In total, both countries experienced a growth of 35% since 2000. In order to achieve this, both attempt to maximize the area of arable land. Be it through crop rotation, fertilising, or improved irrigation techniques. 

Unfinished Business

Humanity has realized that it’s unwittingly killing the planet ever since the 90s, and we have managed to turn ourselves around in time.

The study’s not all positive, however. Despite the valiant efforts made by the two countries, tree cover is still decreasing in other regions around the world such as Brazil and Indonesia. Due to lacking regulations, corporations are still exploiting forestry resources to increase their wealth and expand.

We’re surely on the right track, but it would be erroneous to say that our job’s finished: Clearly, we still have a long way to go.

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