Man Built A Giant Bird With A Creepy Laugh, Dragging It Around The Street During Lockdown

Dhir Acharya - May 27, 2020

Man Built A Giant Bird With A Creepy Laugh, Dragging It Around The Street During Lockdown

During lockdowns, some play video games, others remake a part of their house, but this man built a giant bird that makes a creepy laugh.

We use our free time during the COVID-19 lockdown in different ways. Some play video games, some work on their fitness, others remake a part of their house, but this man built a giant bird that makes a creepy laugh.

The man in question is academic and artist Dr Farvadin Daliri, who create a 750-kilogram sculpture of a laughing kookaburra with the aim of bringing joy to his neighborhood during this tough time. The drove his car on the street, dragging the bird right behind.

The giant bird sculpture of a kookaburra
The giant bird sculpture of a kookaburra

Daliri actually began making this sculpture during Christmas but never completed it. However, it seems that the lockdown is boring and has given him extra time to work on the giant bird and make it laugh.

The bird was initially for the Townsville Cultural Festival in his hometown and the kookaburra is the native bird here.

Though the giant bird sculpture is huge, even bigger than an elephant, Daliri said it was really light and narrow. It’s 4.5 meters tall, 8.5 meters long, and 2.5 meters wide. The body of the bird was made up of over 100 interlocked steel circles while the beak was made of fiberglass and there is a custom sound system that makes the unique, creepy laugh you hear in this video.

The video recording Daliri dragging the bird on the street went viral on Twitter and everyone just loves it. Sure, he gave us all a good laugh.

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