Infosys Techie Arrested After Asking People To Spread COVID-19 By Sneezing


Bengaluru resident, former Infosys employee Mujeeb Mohammad was arrested after posting on Facebook encouraging people to sneeze to spread COVID-19.

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused fear and paranoia. So it is understandable when people freak out if the person standing next to them starts coughing or sneezing.

This is because the COVID-19 is transmitted though the droplets after an infected person sneezes or coughs. So it is not funny when people can deliberately joke about spreading the virus through sneezing.

But unfortunately, this guy didn’t understand this. Bengaluru resident Mujeeb Mohammad posted on Facebook encouraging people to sneeze to spread the virus. According to his profile, which has now been deleted, he was working at tech giant Infosys.

According to his profile, which has now been deleted, he was working at tech giant Infosys.

After the post’s screenshots went viral online, the tech giant had thought that this could be some kind of mistaken identity situation.

The company tweeted that it had done an investigation into the matter. It was confirmed by Infosys that Mujeeb Mohammad did work at the company. The tech giant also stated that it had terminated the contract of Mohammad.

The company mentioned how the post from Mohammad was against its code of conduct as well as its commitment to using social media responsibly.

The company mentioned how the post from Mohammad was against its code of conduct as well as its commitment to using social media responsibly.

Meanwhile, a case against Mohammad has been registered by the Bengaluru Police under Section 505 of IPC. Sandeep Patil, Bengaluru Joint Commissioner of Police addressed the matter in a statement, adding that an investigation has already been carried out.

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