Images That Show How Extraordinary And Mysterious Planet Earth Is


Planet Earth has many incredible landscapes and mysterious phenomena that trigger savvy scientists. These pics show how extraordinary our planet is.

Planet Earth has many incredible landscapes and mysterious phenomena that trigger savvy scientists. And when even science cannot give a specific explanation of why something happens, of course, it will make us feel more surprised about this natural world.

This is the heart of a blue whale. If you don’t know, a blue whale’s heart can weigh up to 200kg and of course, it will require a few adults to carry. Its weight is equivalent to that of a large towing tire.

A blue whale's heart.

And here is the body of a dead blue whale, not any hideous monster. Blue whales are the world’s largest animal.

The body of a dead blue whale.

A forest in the shape of a guitar? This isn’t natural but a human-made product instead. 70-year-old Pedro Ureta has spent many years planting this forest dedicated to his loving wife. His wife passed away when she was only 25 years old because of cerebral aneurysms.

A guitar-shaped forest.

This is red hot poker plants or also known as the trumpet flower. Until now, there is no explanation about why these flowers can bloom between volcano cracks.

Red hot poker plants.

Everyone knows that the eyes of humans and animals are round. Yet, there are still goats with a rectangular iris.

A goat with rectangular pupils.

It may look hypnotizing but it is actually the floor of the Santa Maria del Fiore church in Florence, Italy.

Santa Maria del Fiore church in Florence, Italy.

Sky-high ponderosa pines at Bryce Canyon National Park.

Sky-high ponderosa pines at Bryce Canyon National Park.

A stunning contrasting scene with snow on one side and a lake on the other side in Krakow, Poland.

A stunning contrasting scene.

This is a fruit called Hala that grows in Australia and the Pacific Islands.

This is a fruit called Hala.

Inside an extinct volcano in El Valle, Panama is a small town. If you travel to this place, go to the foot of Mount Cerro Gaital, right behind the Campestre hotel. There is a strange little forest with square-shaped trees.

There is a strange little forest with square-shaped trees.

A resident who has been living here 60 years says that square trees are normal here. The tree is divided into four equal four sides.

This is the “Doomsday” Vault which keeps all the world’s seeds. The vault is located in a remote mountain on an island in Spitsbergen, Norway. It is 120 meters below the ground and is always kept at -18 Celsius degrees.

This is the “Doomsday” Vault which keeps all the world’s seeds.

The body of a whale exploded. Normally, when a whale dies, its body decomposes, methane and nitrogen-based gases will escape due to the skin’s decomposition. However, because of the whale’s thick skin, it can withstand pressure. Their bodies then turn into an explosive bomb.

The body of a whale exploded.

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