IIT-AIIMS Team Invents World’s 1st Disinfection Device

Harin - Mar 31, 2020

IIT-AIIMS Team Invents World’s 1st Disinfection Device

Called Airlens Minus Corona, the disinfection device from IIT-AIIMS has a completely different approach to wipe off the Coronavirus.

With the COVID-19 outbreak spreading around the world, people care more about personal hygiene and the cleanliness of their surrounding environments.

And this has turned some people into extreme germophobes who avoid touching surfaces and constantly washing their hands.

To prevent the spread of the virus, authorities are using spraying the streets as well as commonly touched surfaces with disinfectants. But Dr. Debayan Saha at IIT Kharagpur has teamed up with Shashi Ranjan at AIIMs to create a novel device whose performance is a lot better than those conventional disinfectant sprays.

Called Airlens Minus Corona, the device has a completely different approach to wipe off the Coronavirus. The appearance of the machine resembles that of a humanoid robot that you see in a 60s movie. What the machine does is dispersing ionized water droplets.

Disinfection Machine
Called Airlens Minus Corona, the device has a completely different approach to wipe off the Coronavirus.

When the water comes in contact with the Coronavirus, the virus’ viral protein is oxidized, making it not harmful. The device can be utilized for sanitizing mass-gather places because of its efficiency.

Sashi Ranjan explained that through the scientific research that he learned at NUS, Singapore, he realized that one of the most powerful antimicrobial tools that can disinfect the entire city is oxidation.

The technology behind this device combines water atomization techniques and electric energy induce water droplets with a charge while producing the strongest oxidative entities that can oxidize and extinguish the Coronavirus.

However, the conventional hand sanitizers are useful at a smaller scale.

Alcohols are known for their abilities to denature viruses’ protein coat, inactivating them. However, the conventional hand sanitizers are useful at a smaller scale. However, when we need to sanitize the whole city, it would be impractical and insufficient.

>>> Do These Giant Disinfectant Machines Really Work In Fighting Coronavirus?


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