Autonomous Travel Suite That Would Drive You Around While You Are Asleep


Aprilli, a Toronto-based design studio, has an idea of a self-driving hotel suit that could turn those wasting hours during travel into valuable time.

There is so much time lost during transit, from spending hours waiting in line to get through airport security to being stuck in the traffic. However, Aprilli, a design studio which is based in Toronto, Canada has a futuristic idea in mind of an autonomous travel suite that could possibly convert those wasting hours into valuable time.

The concept of the company called “Autonomous Travel Suit” is the combination of a hotel room’s comfort with the powerful potential of autonomous driving. You can think of it as an ultra-deluxe, upgraded version of an Uber where you can eat, work and sleep even when you are traveling. Moreover, it is a bold vision of what transportation in the future might look like.

The autonomous vehicle from Aprilli is full-fledged transportation which comes with basic facilities for working, cleaning and sleeping. And as stated on Aprilli’s site, this will allow guest to make use of their traveling time more productively and efficiently. The vehicle can be summoned through an app, which is similar to Uber. Aprilli views this Autonomous Travel Suit as a part of a much more comprehensive “network of hotel facilities.” This network is where these self-driving vehicles can park to provide clients with more amenities.

In an explaining video, you can see that the vehicle connects to what is called a “parent suit” located in a circular hotel. This process transforms the comfortable travel suit into a much larger “upscale integrated unit” which includes a living space as well as a washroom.

As one would expect, this is a challenging idea. We are still not sure how these autonomous vehicles can share the same road with human drivers as it may lead to dangerous situations.

And to be honest, it is not really a unique idea. Companies such as IKEA has already envisioned self-driving vehicles in the future not just as hotel suites. Their SPACE10 concepts’ reveal in September includes a pop-up show and even an autonomous mini-greenhouse.

IKEA's SPACE10 concepts

However, the idea of Aprilli can still be considered as a promising idea since it could change the whole model of travel by turning bothersome hours into an efficient, comfortable and convenient experience.

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