Google will publish a transparency report on who and how much paid for political ads in India elections


To prepare for the Indian Lok Sabha election, Google plans to release a transparency report on political ads based on the framework during the US elections.

Google has the plan to imitate the way it did in the mid-term elections in the US 2018 to apply to the Lok Sabha elections next year. The company took the "tight control" on who pays for the political advertisements. The transparency report of the listed political advertisement and their party affiliations were released weekly during the US mid-term election.

In the US mid-term elections, the company provided its Google transparency report, weekly updated, and also gave it guidelines for these ads. As the requirement, the advertisement must be checked by the Google team before running these political ads on Google Ad Services.

The transparency report consists of ads relevant to the US election or the issues related to the candidates. The report also shows the budget of these advertisers for the US election on the Google Ads Services. In the Google report, the list of the advertisers who pay more than $500  per each political advertisement and the name of that person who paid for those ads.