Google Maps Now Offers Realtime Information For Speed Traps And Congestion


With this new Google Maps update, users can receive information on speed traps, congestion, and car crashes on thin real-time.

With this new Google Maps update, users can receive information on speed traps, congestion, and car crashes on thin real-time. Users can also report these issues as well as other roadblocks to offer other commuters real-time traffic data.

The feature was actually released for Android devices at the beginning of this year. This update is for iOS users.

The updated Google Maps, version 5.29 or later for iOS and version 10.27.2 or above, will provide users real-time data on any issues in your route, from car crashes to congestion. Real-time data on speed traps is another helpful feature to prevent motorists from exceeding the speed limits.

The idea is to inform drivers of a road’s speed limit while striking on the drivers’ fear of receiving a challan and to make them follow the speed limits.

Besides being informed about all these issues, users can also use the app to report certain activities, improving the service’s accuracy rate. These activities can be a slowdown, crashes, disabled vehicles, objects, lane closures, and construction on the road. These reports can come as a straightforward Yes/No questions popping up on the app. For example, the question can be “Is there still congestion here?” Users can also manually report by tapping on the “+” icon which is on the center-right.

At the moment, it is not possible to report a speed trap. However, users can come across questions as well as reports about a speed trap while they are commuting. A question similar to the one above, appeared on the app to confirm whether there is a speed trap or not. It still remains unknown if this feature will be available for all users or not.

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