Google Maps Launches Auto Rickshaw Mode For People Of Delhi

Indira Datta

Android users must update their application to the latest version of Google Maps (v.10.6) to use this feature.

In most parts of India, people use auto rickshaws to travel every day. To make things convenient, Google Maps has provided a new feature for the Delhi people with rickshaws. Now, those using Google Maps through Android devices will see a new public traffic mode, called auto rickshaw.

Google Maps offers this support to help travelers stop bargaining for each ride. In fact, everyone knows that autorickshaw fares are rarely fixed and Google Maps support just to make it easier for travelers to plan their trip.

In particular, when users select the auto-rickshaw mode as their transportation mode in Google Maps, they will be offered the feasible routes and fares for the trip. All the data on fare estimation and route recommendations are provided by the Delhi Traffic Police.

Android users must update their application to the Google Maps latest version (v.10.6) to use this feature. To open auto rickshaw, users enter the "cab" and "public transport" modes of the Google Maps application. Those who click on the rickshaw icon will be able to see all the information they need to know, such as the itinerary and traffic information on the route as well as the price of the trip.

All the necessary information is estimated and provided to the user

The feature is still being updated slowly so many devices still do not show this new feature even though it has updated. Google Maps has not yet revealed when Google Maps will be available on iOS devices.

Currently, for long distance journeys, people who work or travel can not estimate the amount and distance they leave, so they pay a very high price for those trips on a daily basis. According to Vishal Dutta, Product Manager of Google Maps, this Google Maps feature combines the transparency of fare information and the most commonly used form of public transportation in Google Maps over the years in the country. Through this feature, they can know the amount of money they have to pay for that trip, the estimated time and distance, and then plan accordingly. If the cost is too high, they can use other alternative public facilities such as the metro or bus.

In addition to Delhi, Google has not revealed which city will get this feature. While a series of Indian cities such as Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, and Bengaluru, ... are applying the auto rickshaw feature.