This Face Mask Will Show Your Smile But It Does Look A Bit Creepy

Harin - Apr 09, 2020

This Face Mask Will Show Your Smile But It Does Look A Bit Creepy

With this specially-designed face mask, the hearing impaired can read the lips of the person they are communicating with.

A senior majoring in deaf education at Eastern Kentucky University has come up with an innovative face mask idea for the hearing impaired.

With this mask, the hearing impaired can read the lips of the person they are communicating with. Meanwhile, other people can also look at the facial expressions of the wearer, which is crucial for people using the American Sign Language.

Deaf Masks
With this mask, the hearing impaired can read the lips of the person they are communicating with.

21-year-old Lawrence said that she felt like it was also important for the hearing-impaired to have a mask allowing for easy communication while protecting them during the outbreak.

With the help of her mother, Lawrence made the masks using bedsheets. The transparent screen isn’t the only addition that they added to the mask. Lawrence said that she and her mother were trying out different things for people with hearing aids and cochlear implants.

Instead of making the wrap that wraps around the ears, they made the wrap wrapping around the neck and the head.

Deaf Face Masks
With the help of her mother, Lawrence made the masks using bedsheets.

And the best thing about this is that the face masks are free of charge.

Lawrence has started a GoFundMe page so that those who want to help can donate for the costs of materials, and shipping, etc.

She will donate the money raised that isn’t used for the masks to Hands & Voices which is a non-profit organization supporting families with deaf or hard of hearing children.

>>> How To Decontaminate And Reuse Your N95 Face Mask


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