Estonia Is Creating A Robotic Judge To Resolve The Legal Backlog

Indira Datta - Mar 26, 2019

Estonia Is Creating A Robotic Judge To Resolve The Legal Backlog

Ott Velsberg, Estonia's director of data, was asked by theD Ministry of Justice to design a artificial intelligence judge in order to resolve records of small disputes filed in court.

Estonia's chief data officer Ott Velsberg was asked by the Ministry of Justice to design an artificial intelligence judge in order to resolve records of small disputes filed in court.

The robot judge will be responsible for analyzing the relevant information and in legal documents to make a decision. Although the final decisions are still determined by humans, this project will help demonstrate the operability of artificial intelligence in the legal field.

Robot Judge Is Coming For You
Will the AI judge make a fair judgment?

Estonia, a small country with less than 1.4 million inhabitants, located in Northern Europe, has made remarkable developments in chemical and modernization. Especially the application of technology to the government apparatus to reduce the process and work time. Estonia has launched an electronic program, allowing both local and foreign citizens to access its services. The implementation of a digital national ID smart card has improved the work of moving documents from individuals to government services. Although there were some significant errors, it is really effective and will gradually improve in the future.

This smart card will quickly complete the tasks that people need to do in relation to government functions and services that have been equipped with automation. Typically, monitoring whether or not the subsidized farming activities of the people follow the rules given or not. Employees who are fired or lose their jobs will be identified by the AI algorithm to find out their resume and the job offer.

The inclusion of AI in resolving legal issues is probably new, but this is not the first time it has been implemented. More than 100,000 parking tickets in New York and London were flipped by a chatbot, produced by a British company.

The project that puts the power of AI into legal work will help the government erase huge backlogs and streamline government actions. If the AI is truly programmed the conviction algorithms without any bias, then it will handle the cases fairly, just as it was learned. An when it is really effective and handles the documents in the right direction, the bias and prejudice in the law will be solved.


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