Elon Musk Can Help Speed Up The Internet For Gamers

Manas Munshi

The billionaire Elon Musk asks a professional gamer for some gaming advice.

Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla Motors. Turner Tenney, popularly known as online name Tfue, is a professional gamer and official member of Faze clan, an American Esports and entertaining organization of CS:GO, Call of Duty, Overwatch or Fortnite.

Elon Musk and Tfue

These two people are connected in a conversation on Twitter when Tfue asked the billionaire for some gaming advice, which totally amazed the followers of this young gamer.

The story started when Tfue tagged the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX in his status to ask whether he could help to improve the Internet speed or not, and received a “Yes” from Elon Musk. Nobody can confirm the authenticity of this single word whether Elon Musk will help Tfue to get better Internet or not, however, we have the basis to believe that he has already had a project indirectly relating to this matter.

The simple answer from the richest man in the world certainly pleased Tfue, and he sent back a commitment to buy a Tesla for this reason.

Elon Musk intends to build a satellite-based Internet network all around the Earth, and a tiny selection among them are expected to cover the US with high-speed wideband by 2025. However, is it the main purpose of Elon Musk to help Tfue with the Internet Speed?

The following conversation between Tfue and the tech magnate from Tesla after the brief answer of Elon Musk might bring us a different look of these purposes. The tech man asked Tfue about the games could be put into the car except for the Atari classics which is currently available in a car.

The recent conflict between Elon Musk and Tesla’s board might affect his emotions in the social media. However, looking at his daily Twitter interactions, it could be seen that he has been still receiving more and more faithfulness from his fans.