These Hilarious Videos Show What People Do When Having Too Much Free Time In COVID-19 Quarantine

Aadhya Khatri - Mar 19, 2020

These Hilarious Videos Show What People Do When Having Too Much Free Time In COVID-19 Quarantine

To deal with having too much time and too little to do, people have come up with all kind of funny activities to kill the time while in COVID-19 quarantine

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few months, you are probably aware that the COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc around the world. And a measure many nations are applying is self-quarantine.

Given the Coronavirus’s speed of spreading, people are advised to stay home and minimize on travel. However, working from home can be a real challenge for first timers.

Even for those who do not go out much, they need to get out of the house once in a while, and you have a certain level of freedom. However, at this point, even a trip to a nearby grocery store should be considered seriously.

When people are locked in their houses for too long, boredom can be a serious issue. And to deal with having too much time and too little to do, people have come up with all kind of funny activities to kill the time while in quarantine.

Here are some of them collected from around the Internet:


Positivity is something everyone needs in this trying time. While preventative measures, treatment, and vaccine are critical, positivity will ensure that people do not enter panic mode and do something crazy, like break away from quarantine and pass COVID-19 to someone else.

You can take inspiration from these activities to keep yourself entertain if you are one of those forced to stay home more than you want to due to the Coronavirus outbreak. And remember, wash your hands regularly and maintain social distance when you are around other people to protect yourself and other around you.

>>> How People Hilariously Set Up Their Work-From-Home Space


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