Breast Milk Might Contain A Potential Treatment For CO.VID-19, Scientists Claim

Aadhya Khatri - Apr 15, 2020

Breast Milk Might Contain A Potential Treatment For CO.VID-19, Scientists Claim

In a bid to find an effective treatment for CO.VID-19, some scientists have turned to breast milk to study the antibodies it contains

Breast milk might hold more powers than you think.

Immune cells and antibodies in human milk can pass the virus-killing capability to newborn babies, who are unprotected from diseases in the first few months of their lives.

breast milk covid-19 treatment
Immune cells and antibodies in human milk can pass the virus-killing capability to newborn babies, who are unprotected from diseases in the first few months of their lives

So far, scientists are still divided when it comes to whether the can be transferred from mothers to babies via breast milk.

In a bid to find an effective treatment, some scientists have turned to human milk. To start, they will analyze samples for antibodies to check whether the mothers are infected with CO.VID-19.

The next step is to determine the classes of antibodies that appear in breast milk and test to see whether they can combat the or incite cells to kill it.

At this point, most scientists are more interested in blood. However, according to some experts, breast milk has an edge over blood. It contains secretory IgA, a type of antibodies that are especially resistant and durable to degradation.

breast milk covid-19 treatment potential
According to some experts, breast milk has an edge over blood. It contains secretory IgA, a type of antibodies that are especially resistant and durable to degradation

Of course, CO.VID-19 patients will not be fed milk as a treatment. Scientists will purify the antibodies and transfuse them.

Breast milk can do wonder for the mothers as well as babies. It protects the infant and the mother from several viruses, bacteria, and pathogens.

The next step for the scientists is to study if an infected mother generates antiviral components, including oligosaccharides and antibodies. They will then use the knowledge to synthesize these components to treat adults.

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