Police Discovered Mysterious Graves, Turn Out To Be Bitcoin Mining Facilities

Dhir Acharya

Police found two mysterious graves without headstones. It turns out that the graves house bitcoin mining devices, running on stolen electricity.

Recently, the police in Heilongjiang, China, received a complaint about a sudden loss in electricity from a local petroleum mining company. When the police got the spot for the investigation, they spotted something strange: There were two abnormal graves on a nearby field.

However, these graves didn’t have headstones and there was some firewood a few meters away from them. The police then discovered an entrance.

Mysterious graves turn out to be bitcoin mining facilities

When entering through a door on the ground, they found a secret basement used for illegal bitcoin mining. The basement had a lighting system, electric supply, along with 8 bitcoin mining devices placed on a shelf.

After an investigation, the police identified the people behind this illegal activity are the same electricity thieves. Mining bitcoin requires a huge amount of electricity, so these criminals dug a basement to hide the devices and steal energy.

While the case may sound strange to some, it’s actually quite common in China. In April, police in the same province found a huge illegal bitcoin mining facility with 54 devices running on electricity stolen from a nearby petroleum mining plant. However, instead of faking the facility as a grave, these criminals installed their system under the ground inside a dog kennel.

Bitcoin mining system is hidden under a dog kennel
Bitcoin mining equipment

Though bitcoin trading is illegal in China, mining bitcoin is not. Therefore, many companies have been using low-cost electricity sources to mine cryptocurrency and sell on licensed platforms in other countries.

These incidents are partly attributed to the fact that bitcoin price has been increasing lately.

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