Bengaluru Ranked Among Top 10 Asian Cities For Investments In Real Estate

Vinay Chopade - Sep 01, 2019

Bengaluru Ranked Among Top 10 Asian Cities For Investments In Real Estate

"Real estate investment in Bengaluru doubled to $1,600 million (Rs 11,200 crore) in fiscal 2018-19 from $800 million (Rs 5,600 crore) in fiscal 2017-18.”

Bengaluru is recently ranked amongst the top ten Asia-Pacific metropolises for international real estate investment, according to a Wednesday statement from CBRE South Asia Ltd consultant firm. The leading consulting company said that the investment in Bengaluru real estate has bên doubled to Rs 11,200 crore in fiscal year from 2018 to 2019. This statement is based on its finding from the 2019 Asia Pacific investor survey.

In India, the interest in real estate significantly increased after the enactment of a law which established the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) to improve market transparency in 2014. The finding also revealed:


Bengaluru ranked as the first Indian favored investment destination

The new trend has appeared due to potential growth opportunities as well as new infrastructure in the market.


According to Anshuman Magazine, Chief Executive of CBRE, Bengaluru ranked as the most favored Indian investment destination, globally famous as the home for multinationals and trans. The magazine states that Bengaluru is a tech city which has strong talent base and good quality infrastucture for offering investment in office and residential segment.

The finding also revealed investments in office properties has the highest rate of interest in the APAC area, which is followed by logistics and industrial, hotel, retail and multi-family investment.

Bengaluru is amongst the fastest developing region in India

There is also real opportunities for India investment as rising consumption and logistics demand which will attract investors to get into the market.

In addition, the survey found that Bengaluru is amongst the fastest developing region in India thanks to global players’ presence in biotech, IT, manufacturing, pharmaceutical as well as other sectors.




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