Young Indian Developer Wins The Prestigious Bal Shakti Puraskar Award For Crypto App

Aadhya Khatri - Jan 28, 2020

Young Indian Developer Wins The Prestigious Bal Shakti Puraskar Award For Crypto App

Arora is among 49 other winners covering a wide span of fields of Bal Shakti Puraskar 2020. She was chosen for her contribution to technological innovation

An 18-year-old Indian app developer Harshita Arora is the latest winner of the Bal Shakti Puraskar, a prestigious award for her “Crypto Price Tracker” app, which can protect users against scammers.

An 18-year-old Indian app developer Harshita Arora is the latest winner of the Bal Shakti Puraskar

According to Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister, Arora was chosen for her passion towards technology, human welfare, and science.

According to information published on the website of the Indian Ministry of Women and Child’s Development, the Bal Shakti Puraskar is awarded to individuals with exceptional achievements in social services, scholastic accomplishments, innovation, sports, culture, bravery, and arts.

Arora is among 49 other winners covering a wide span of fields of Bal Shakti Puraskar 2020. She was chosen for her contribution to technological innovation.

What the Crypto Price Tracker app does is to keep records and analyze the movements of the price of over 1,000 cryptocurrencies.

What the Crypto Price Tracker app does is to keep records and analyze the movements of the price of over 1,000 cryptocurrencies

Redwood City Ventures has acquired the app and made it available on devices running iOS in many countries around the world.

Modi said that Arora had been focusing on a variety of sectors but her passion for human welfare and technology was visible.

The Bal Shakti Puraskar award for Arora’s invention comes just in time for the battle between India’s central bank and several tech companies, whose outcome can determine the future of cryptocurrency in the country.

As stated by Finance Magnates, the debate is on whether banks should be allowed to have relationships with cryptocurrency platforms.

So when the Bal Shakti Puraskar is given to an individual with invention relating to cryptocurrency space, some project that a shift in the industry is coming.

Bravery was recognized in Bal Shakti Puraskar 2018. PM Narendra Modi also awarded and interacted with the winners of Bal Shakti Puraskar 2019 in person.

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