Baidu And Geely Announced Collaboration On AI Application


Baidu publicizes its strategic collaboration with Geely over the utilization of AI technology in numerous grounds

Baidu announced its strategic collaboration with Geely over the utilization of AI technology in numerous fields.

Made public at Baidu Create conference this year, the collaboration will pay great attention to different fields, including smart mobility, intelligent connectivity, e-commerce, and smart home. Geely, a private worldwide automotive corporation located in Hangzhou, has a great reputation for being the owner of Lotus and Volvo brands.

The collaboration between Geely and Baidu comes from the purpose of accelerating public utilization of connected vehicles both in China and around the world. Chairman of Geely Holding, Li Shufu, and Founder of Baidu, Robin Li, presented at the event.

Robin Li and Li Shufu at the event of announcing the collaboration

Li stated:

In addition, Li and Shufu also made interaction with Bo Yue Pro, the new connected SUV, on stage. Geely installs this new version with AI technology from Baidu through SKU19 Smart Ecosystem, which is to make a connection between homes, people, and cars.

Geely Holdings is now planning to implement the SKU19 across its portfolio.

Baidu is doubling its efforts over the application of AI technology. Just a few days ago, Baidu is reported to sponsor Intel with AI expertise for the evolution of Nervana neural processor.

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