Are You A Math Enthusiast? Check Out These 13 Must-See True-Event-Inspired Mathematics Movies (Part 1)

Harin - Jul 27, 2019

Are You A Math Enthusiast? Check Out These 13 Must-See True-Event-Inspired Mathematics Movies (Part 1)

Considering yourself as a Math enthusiast? Check out our list of 13 must-watch mathematics movies inspired by true events.

Do you consider yourself as a Math enthusiast? If yes, then you should definitely check out this list of 13 must-see mathematics movies which were inspired by true events.

Stand and Deliver (1988)

Stand and Deliver.

When you mention “inspiring teacher” movies, you definitely can’t skip Stand and Deliver as it is one of the movies which have been here for a long time and one of the best ones.

For many people, this movie served as an inspiration. Stand and Deliver has a fantastic script which tells a story of a high school teacher who inspired and helped his dropout-prone students to study calculus.

The cast including Edward James Olmos and Estelle Harris, deliver such amazing performances. And not to forget, the great directing of director Ramon Menendez.

The Man Who Knew Infinity (2016)

The Man Who Knew Infinity.

The story portraits real-life events of Srinivasa Ramanujan, a famous Indian mathematician. In the film, a young man was born in Madras, India. The man struggles with his life and earns his living, working as a casual laborer. His special talents with numbers result in him doing accounting tasks for his employers. After seeing his brilliant ability, his bosses then encourage him to publish his mathematics work. Ramanujan then writes to G. H. Hardy, who is also a great mathematician.  Hardy immediately take notices of his talent and invites him to come to Cambridge. He overcomes the discrimination against him and works for Hardy for a long time while fighting tuberculosis. After his groundbreaking discovery in mathematics, he later reunites with his family back at home.

Pi (1998)


Pi is an interesting movie. Movie-goers need a few times watching to really understand it. But with each viewing, the movie just gets better.

The movie is about Max, a paranoid mathematician who wants to look for a Stock market’s pattern which will unlock all universal patterns in nature.

However, Max suffers from hallucinations, extreme paranoia, cluster headaches, and social anxiety disorder, which hinder his path.

As the movie progresses, it is difficult to tell what is real and what is not. There are just so many things behind this mathematician’s story, madness, mysticism, revelation, and epiphany.

Pi pushed you to think about math, about science, and about the universe, not in the normal way but in a completely different way.

A Brilliant Young Mind (2015)

A Brilliant Young Mind.

With this movie, everyone can learn something. The movie focuses on IQ, autism, love, and mathematics. The way the film delivers the connection between mathematics and other factors in the movie is so intriguing that makes everyone loves it.

A Brilliant Young Mind has done so well in portraying the pressures that our youth has to be under today, especially those considered to have “gifted abilities.”

Good Will Hunting (1997)

Good Will Hunting.

The story is about Will Hunting, a peculiar boy who works as a janitor at M.I.T. Hunting possesses a gift for mathematics. However, he needs to go to a psychologist to figure out his life’s direction as he is arrogant and insolent.

He is different from people around him as he can think harder and more critically. The script is excellent as well as the cast’s performances.

With this movie, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon won their Academy Award.

The Imitation Game (2015)

The Imitation Game.

This movie is about a group of computer scientists and mathematicians working together to crack the Nazi Enigma Code which was used for message encryption. The context of the film is in World War II with the Brits using this particular method tried to decode the message and unveil the plans of the Germans. Due to Alan Turing, the main character in the movie having what was considered as an outlawed sexual orientation back then, his team is arrested and underwent torturing. The movie mainly focuses on his achievements.

>>> Are You A Math Enthusiast? Check Out These 13 Must-See True-Event-Inspired Mathematics Movies (Part 2)


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