All The New Things You Can Do In Windows 10 2019 Update

Viswamitra Jayavant

The May 2019 update of Windows 10 has been rolled around, and there are many great things to mention that you would certainly like to know.

The May 2019 update of Windows 10 has been rolled around, and there are many great things to mention that you would certainly like to know. As expected, the major update brought about many features that previous versions did not have. So here’s a list of all of the new things that your computer would have once you have updated it.

Light Theme

Firstly, the OS got a new light theme that would take over the default dark material theme of the OS once it's chosen. To do this, it is only a matter of opening the Settings window, choose Personalisation, Colours, then pick the Choose Your Colour option. There’s a new wallpaper to match with your new theme too.

Brightness Slider

There is now a brightness slider in the Action Centre if your computer happens to be a laptop. Aside from that, the update has also made it easier to configure the tiles in your Action Centre. Just right-click the Tiles, choose Edit quick actions. Otherwise, you could just right-click on an empty space, then choose Edit.

Cortana-less Search

The search function can now be used without Cortana. Simply use the Search bar at the bottom and it would be extremely apparent. Now, you can narrow down the search results (Web, Documents, Apps) by using the tabs located at the top. You can still call up Cortana with the button next to the search bar, or by saying “Hey Cortana” as usual.

Website Logins Using Your Face

Though this has not been wide-spread, following the update, Windows Hello has become a legitimate biometric authentication method to access accounts for many services. The codes will need to be pushed out to websites for this to become apparent. For now, though, you can do this on Microsoft’s account pages.

Pause Windows Updates

You can now take manual control over Windows’ updates. From Update & Security, you can pause Windows updates for 7 days straight. There’s a new option: Change active hours. Technically, you can set ‘active hours’ - the time you’d be up and working - so Windows could know a convenient time to start updating itself.

Delete Built-In Apps

You can now remove the pesky bloatware that you never use, which you couldn't before. Apps like 3D Viewer, Calculator, Groove Music, Mail, etc., can be completely deleted now if you don’t need them, through the Apps page in Settings.

See Unsaved Works in Notepad

Notepad hasn’t seen much changes since its release decades ago. But now it seems like Microsoft has picked up the hints from its innumerable rivals and added an autosave function. There is now an asterisk next to a Notepad file if there are changes within it that haven’t been saved.

A Better Game Bar

Though it is not something that the update directly installed. Improvements made to the Xbox Game Bar (Win+G) are arriving nearly simultaneously with the update. The improvements make it easier for you to control Spotify, share screenshots, mix audios between programs and games, as well as connecting with your Xbox friends.

Simpler Kaomoji

If you’re fond of Kaomoji, the update has also made it easier to churn them out during conversations. Kaomojis appear on the same window that emojis appears in by pressing Win+. (period).

Better Focus Assist

Focus Assist has been around for a while - capable of muting all of your notifications while you’re working on something important. Now, there’s an option in System > Focus Assist that could automatically turn the feature on when you put an app on full-screen.

Better Cursor Visibility

Granted, it might not be a feature that people are clamoring for. However, through the Ease of Access tab and Cursor & Pointer, you can make the cursor as big and colorful as you like.

Avoid Bad Updates

Simply speaking, this new change in the May 2019 update can make Windows automatically remove bad updates from your computer. Updates that make your computer run into troubles such as unable to boot up after updating can be removed and re-installed after 30 days with the hope that there has already been a patch then.

Security Settings Lock Down

Some vital settings in Windows Security can be locked down to prevent them from being changed by apps with bad intentions. To do this, launch Windows Security through the taskbar, navigate through Virus & Threat Protection and Manage Settings. Inside, you will find a toggle switch with the name Tamper Protection.

VR Support

Apps can now be run in virtual reality. Windows Mixed Reality environments have seen additions of some Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. Now you can do various tasks like reading e-mails and PDFs in completely virtual environments, making them slightly more interesting than they normally would be.

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