6YO Used Mom’s iPad, Spent Over Rs 11 Lakh On Game


6YO Used Mom’s iPad, Spent Over Rs 11 Lakh On Game

While playing Sonic Forces on his mom's iPad, George had purchased add-on boosters with a total amount of $2,500 to unlock bonuses and rare characters.

Today, children are allowed to use smartphones or tablets to kill time. And with the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown rules implemented everywhere, this trend has only spiked.

A six-year-old has managed to use his mom’s iPad to play Sonic Forces and spend over 11 lakhs on this game, leaving his mother in debt.

New York Post was the first to report the story. In July, Jessica Johnson, six-year-old George Johnson’s mother was working from home and didn’t know that her son was on a shopping spree using her iPad.

Sonic Forces
A six-year-old has managed to use his mom’s iPad to play Sonic Forces and spend over 11 lakhs on this game, leaving his mother in debt.

While playing Sonic Forces, George had purchased add-on boosters with the red ring cost $1.99 and the gold ring cost $99.99. By buying these add-ons, George could unlock bonuses and rare characters. On July 9th, Jessica discovered 25 transactions with a total amount of $2,500 from Apple and PayPal.

When she noticed the spike in her bank account, Jessica thought that it was a fraud and report it to the bank. The amount reached $16,293 by the end of July. It was not until October that she received announce from her bank, saying that the transaction was hers and she should ask Apple instead.

When she contacted Apple and saw a list of charges from Sonic, she knew it was her son. She then asked for a refund from Apple. However, the company said that since it was more than 60 days when she could file for a refund, they could do nothing about it.

When she contacted Apple and saw a list of charges from Sonic, she knew it was her son.

Apple offers parental control options on all of their devices to prevent kids from making purchases. So if you are letting your kids using your iPad, you’d better keep them in check.

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