Tag: 2020 Olympics

3 results found
Toyota's Electric Cars Kick In The 2020 Summer Olympic

Features- Oct 01, 2019

Toyota's Electric Cars Kick In The 2020 Summer Olympic

The world can learn a lot just seeing how Toyota is preparing for the Summer Olympics in 2020 in Tokyo and what the car brand provides for the Games.

Twitter And NBC To Team Up For Live Coverage Of Olympics 2020

ICT News- Jul 26, 2019

Twitter And NBC To Team Up For Live Coverage Of Olympics 2020

According to the New York Times, the newest collaboration between Twitter and NBC has marked the first time the Comcast subsidiary allows its partner to deploy live videos of Olympics.

Tokyo 2020 Olympics’ Medals Will Be Made From Recycled Electronic Waste

Features- Feb 11, 2019

Tokyo 2020 Olympics’ Medals Will Be Made From Recycled Electronic Waste

Tokyo 2020 Olympic medals will be made from 100 percent recycled gadgets as Japan is calling citizens to take part in donating discarded gadgets.

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