This New Self-balancing Electric Transporter Is A Far Cry From Scooters


This New Self-balancing Electric Transporter Is A Far Cry From Scooters

Together with the cyclo-like design, this self-balancing electric transporter will absolutely bring its customers the feeling of comfort.  

A company named Segway has been planning on its comeback to the CES 2020 with brand new transportation. Obviously, the company is having high expectations for the attraction of their breakthrough - the self-balancing private vehicle namely Segway S-pod. 

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S-pod can reach a speed of around 38 km/h.

Segway has developed this kind of transporting pod before - the Segway scooter - which shares similar targeted customers and purposes. However, the huge difference that can be easily seen in this upgraded version is that users use an integrated joystick to control the speed and direction of the vehicle.

S-pod can reach the speed of 24 mph, equaling to 38 km/h, which is twice faster than the initial model. Moreover, one feature that makes it worth money is its 70-km range each time charging. Besides, the pod's gravity automatic control system enables its users to safely manage their traveling with ease. This controller which helps the pod change its direction smoothly is inspired by the "Gyrospheres" in the famous films Jurassic Park. Together with the cyclo-like design, S-pod will absolutely bring its customers the feeling of comfort.  

The pod is additionally installed one front and two rear wheels, which are used when users set it to standby state.

The fact that S-pod is considered to be an ideal personal vehicle also stems from its thoughtful manufacturers’ design. The pod is additionally installed one front and two rear wheels, which are used when users set it to standby state. Moreover, the stability of the pod is also guaranteed by its creators because of its cut-to-edge technology encouraging the bipedal system to have speedy direction changes. 

In a recently published press, Segway revealed the launch of S-pod might be in 2021. Therefore, all questions regarding the price and follow-up gadgets will be answered in the CES 2020, as promised by the company.
