Microsoft Dual-Screen Surface Might Support Android Apps

Aadhya Khatri

The next in line of Microsoft Surface is still a mystery but recently, HIS Markit, a market research firm claimed that it could run Android apps

The next in line of Microsoft Surface is still a mystery to all of us but recently, HIS Markit, a market research firm claimed that the dual-screen, consisting of two 9-inch displays, may be able to run Android apps.

Dual-screen Microsoft Surface might be able to run Android apps

This device is codenamed Centaurus, and it is able to support Android apps because it runs on Windows Core OS, which lets developers make custom Windows operating systems in the way they want.

With Window Core OS, Microsoft can make lightweight Core OS versions and at the same time, counter the fast growth of Chrome OS devices. It is believed that Centaurus could make it to the market in the first three months of 2020.

The ability to run Android apps may help Microsoft gain a bigger portion of the market. However, the most noticeable downside here is that it has no access to Google Play Services. So now Microsoft and Huawei will share the same situation.

The company might have to make its own version of the app store and also convince developers to adjust their apps with no Google Play Services access. However, Microsoft is in an easier position to convince developers to do so than Huawei.

Other details HIS Markit announced include 10nm processors made by Intel, LTE, or even 5G. So if this turns out to be true, dual-screen Microsoft Surface will be competing with foldable phones like Samsung Galaxy Fold.

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