Young Indians Mainly Get News From Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook

Saanvi Araav

A recent has shown that the majority of young Indians get their news online.

From a recent report from New Delhi: We have statistic showing that social media and online news has surpassed printed media to become the main channel for news of young Indians English-speaking.

However, according to Oxford University's Reuters Institute India Digital News Report, most over 35 Indians still mix a good portion of offline and online media.

Also from New Delhi's report, we know that 50 percent of the interviewees getting their news from social media while 25 percent thinks that social media is their main source of news.

Social media

Among all other social media platforms, WhatsApp and Facebook are the most popular. More than 75 percent of interviewees use Facebook ( and about 50 percent use it as their main source for news). Moreover, 82 percent of interviewees use WhatsApp ( and also 52 percent use it as a main news source)

Social Media For Indian Youth

Base on the data from the report, young Indians also use another variety of social media such as Facebook's Messenger, Twitter, Instagram - while Snapchat doesn't take a large margin in the market.

Mobile News

Another English-speaking online news survey also shows an array of data saying that India has an overwhelming and emerging mobile-first, in some case mobile-only, media market.

Among the young Indians, about 70 percent of the interviewees said that their smartphones are their main way of getting online news.

Trust in the Online News

However, many research has shown that Indians have a quite low trust level in the news (about 36 percent). But when they have a higher trust level when it comes to social media (34 percent) and search (45 percent). And around 60 percent of interviewees said that they are quite worried when they come across online because they don't know if it fake or real.

Indian Online News

Around 50 percent of the interviewees commented that they feel fear about openly expressing their political opinions online because they think that it could get them in trouble.

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