World Tech Has Welcomed Two Futuristic Technologies: First Braille Keyboard And A Library For Bots

Jyotis - Dec 27, 2018

World Tech Has Welcomed Two Futuristic Technologies: First Braille Keyboard And A Library For Bots

Scientists hope to help blind children to study the language more efficiently and quickly on digital devices.

The Tech Probe’s latest episode has introduced two technologies that are expected to be widely applied into the various fields: They are the first Braille keyboard called Annie and a library for bots called Rapyuta Robotics. Of which, the Braille keyboard is designed for the visually impaired who can’t use standard keyboards, while the second invention aims to support automating devices.


The first technology called Annie from Thinkerbell Labs, which is also known as the first Braille device to offer the self-learning feature. Scientists hope to help blind children to study the language more efficiently and quickly on digital devices. Annie includes a Braille keyboard and two Braille embossers which are put at the top. An integrated interactive software offers learners the instruction concerning Braille lessons for beginners via audio output. Also, they need to move their fingers on the embossed output and type letters they want to write.

Another prominent feature of this technology is to support the users’ self-learning capability. Aman Srivastava, the founder & CEO of Thinkerbell Labs said that Annie could know exactly what users needed to type. For example, when they typed something wrong, Annie would warn you and suggest the correct letters. As an IoT device, it can be continuously improved via the new updates and OTA for corresponding components.


The product is expected to meet the demand in the special education which hasn’t been cared enough as it should be. The world has lacked a large number of special teachers, and India has had approximately 6 crores visually impaired and about 1.5-1.6 crore blind persons. With Annie, the children can learn by themselves, without parents or teachers’ support.

Rapyuta Robotics, the second product is invented to help users (including those without certain skills) implement the manipulation in the automation sector. According to the executive director Bhananjay Sathe, it originates from “The Matrix,” the famous movie since 1999.


In this movie, Trinity had to escape from Agent Smith by using a helicopter. And then, the operator directly sent all data on how to control it to her brain. That is the way Rapyuta Robotics was developed. More exactly, the company has built a library consisting of functions and algorithms that can be accessed via the cloud by robots.

As such, even when you don’t know much about robotics, you can still get commands and instructions to control your robot as you like, directly from your browser.

Sathe said that the robots didn’t only gather data but they were also able to learn from the data. In the future, IoT devices and robots would learn from each other or from libraries which is the same kind of Rapyuta’s one.


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